Source code for prepro

    import geopandas
    import ogr
    import gdal
    import rasterio as rio
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import alphashape
    import mapclassify.classifiers as mc
    from pathlib import Path
    from pyproj import CRS
    from scipy import interpolate
except ImportError:
    print('ModuleNotFoundError: Missing fundamental packages (required: geopandas, ogr, gdal, rasterio, numpy, pandas, '
        'alphashape, mapclassify, pathlib, pyproj, scipy and pykrige).')

[docs]def clip_raster(polygon, in_raster, out_raster): """ Clips a raster based on the given polygon :param polygon: string, file with path of the polygon (*.shp) :param in_raster: string, file and path of the input raster (*.tif) :param in_raster: string, file and path of the output raster (*.tif) :return: no output, saves the raster (*.tif) with the selected filename """ gdal.Warp(out_raster, in_raster, cutlineDSName=polygon)
[docs]class PreProFuzzy: """Parent pre-processing structure for the comparison of numeric maps :param pd: pandas dataframe, can be obtained by reading the textfile as pandas dataframe :param attribute: string, name of the attribute to burn in the raster (ex.: deltaZ, Z) :param crs: string, coordinate reference system :param nodatavalue: float, value to indicate nodata cells :param res: float, resolution of the cell (cell size), is the same for x and y :param ulc: tuple of floats, upper left corner coordinate, optional :param lrc: tuple of floats, lower right corner coordinate, optional """ def __init__(self, df, attribute, crs, nodatavalue, res=None, ulc=(np.nan, np.nan), lrc=(np.nan, np.nan)): if not isinstance(attribute, str): print("ERROR: attribute must be a string, check the name on your textfile") = CRS(crs) self.attribute = attribute self.nodatavalue = nodatavalue # Standardize the dataframe df.dropna(how='any', inplace=True, axis=0) # Create the dictionary with new label names and then rename for standardization new_names = {df.columns[0]: 'x', df.columns[1]: 'y', df.columns[2]: self.attribute} self.df = df.rename(columns=new_names) # Create geodataframe from the dataframe gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(self.df, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy(self.df.x, self.df.y)) = self.gdf = gdf self.x = gdf.geometry.x.values self.y = gdf.geometry.y.values self.z = gdf[attribute].values if np.isfinite(ulc[0]) and np.isfinite(lrc[0]): self.xmax = lrc[0] self.xmin = ulc[0] self.ymax = ulc[1] self.ymin = lrc[1] else: self.xmax = self.gdf.geometry.x.max() self.xmin = self.gdf.geometry.x.min() self.ymax = self.gdf.geometry.y.max() self.ymin = self.gdf.geometry.y.min() self.extent = (self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax) if np.isfinite(res): self.res = res else: # if res not passed, then res will be the distance between xmin and xmax / 1000 self.res = (self.xmax - self.xmin) / 1000 self.ncol = int(np.ceil((self.xmax - self.xmin) / self.res)) # delx self.nrow = int(np.ceil((self.ymax - self.ymin) / self.res)) # dely
[docs] def points_to_grid(self): """Creates a grid of new points in the target resolution :returns: array of size nrow, ncol Hints: Read more at """ hrange = ((self.ymin, self.ymax), (self.xmin, self.xmax)) # any points outside of this will be condisdered outliers and not used zi, yi, xi = np.histogram2d(self.y, self.x, bins=(int(self.nrow), int(self.ncol)), weights=self.z, normed=False, range=hrange) counts, _, _ = np.histogram2d(self.y, self.x, bins=(int(self.nrow), int(self.ncol)), range=hrange) np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # ignores errors if dividing by zero zi = np.divide(zi, counts) np.seterr(divide=None, invalid=None) # set it back now zi = array = np.flipud(np.array(zi)) # flips each column upside down return array
[docs] def norm_array(self, method='linear'): """ Normalizes the raw data in equally distanced points depending on the selected resolution :returns: interpolated and normalized array with selected resolution Hint: Read more at """ array = self.points_to_grid() x = np.arange(0, self.ncol) # creates 1d array with values [0, ncol[ y = np.arange(0, self.nrow) # mask invalid values array = # all invalid values are masked (ex.: np.inf or np.nan) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) # creates a grid of values with (x,y) based on the x and y provided # get only the valid values x1 = xx[~array.mask] # takes only unmasked points y1 = yy[~array.mask] newarr = array[~array.mask] out_array = interpolate.griddata((x1, y1), newarr.ravel(), (xx, yy), method=method, fill_value=self.nodatavalue) return out_array
[docs] def random_raster(self, raster_file, save_ascii=True, **kwargs): """ Creates a raster of randomly generated values :kwarg minmax: tuple of floats, (zmin, zmax) min and max ranges for random values :returns: array of random values within a range of the same size and chape as the original """ if kwargs['minmax'] is None: zmin, zmax = self.z.min(), self.z.max() else: zmin, zmax = kwargs['minmax'] array = np.random.uniform(low=zmin, high=zmax, size=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) if '.' not in raster_file[-4:]: raster_file += '.tif' transform = rio.transform.from_origin(self.xmin, self.ymax, self.res, self.res) new_dataset =, 'w', driver='GTiff', height=array.shape[0], width=array.shape[1], count=1, dtype=array.dtype,, transform=transform, nodata=self.nodatavalue) print('The array has size: ', np.shape(array)) new_dataset.write(array, 1) new_dataset.close() if save_ascii: map_asc = str(Path(raster_file[0:-4] + '.asc')) gdal.Translate(map_asc, raster_file, format='AAIGrid') return new_dataset
[docs] def plain_raster(self, shapefile, raster_file, res): """Converts a shapefile(.shp) to a GeoTIFF raster without normalizing :param shapefile: string, filename with path of the input shapefile (*.shp) :param raster_file: string, filename with path of the output raster (*.tif) :param res: float, resolution of the cell :returns: saves the raster in the default directory """ if '.' not in shapefile[-4:]: shapefile += '.shp' if '.' not in raster_file[-4:]: raster_file += '.tif' source_ds = ogr.Open(shapefile) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = source_layer.GetExtent() # Create Target - TIFF cols = int((x_max - x_min) / res) rows = int((y_max - y_min) / res) _raster = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(raster_file, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) _raster.SetGeoTransform((x_min, res, 0, y_max, 0, res)) _band = _raster.GetRasterBand(1) _band.SetNoDataValue(self.nodatavalue) # Rasterize gdal.RasterizeLayer(_raster, [1], source_layer, options=['ATTRIBUTE=' + self.attribute])
[docs] def array2raster(self, array, raster_file, save_ascii=True): """Saves a raster using interpolation :param raster_file: string, path to save the rasterfile :param save_ascii: boolean, true to save also an ascii raster :returns: saves the raster with the selected filename """ if '.' not in raster_file[-4:]: raster_file += '.tif' transform = rio.transform.from_origin(self.xmin, self.ymax, self.res, self.res) new_dataset =, 'w', driver='GTiff', height=array.shape[0], width=array.shape[1], count=1, dtype=array.dtype,, transform=transform, nodata=self.nodatavalue) print(np.shape(array)) new_dataset.write(array, 1) new_dataset.close() if save_ascii: map_asc = str(Path(raster_file[0:-4] + '.asc')) gdal.Translate(map_asc, raster_file, format='AAIGrid') return new_dataset
[docs] def create_polygon(self, shape_polygon, alpha=np.nan): """ Creates a polygon surrounding a cloud of shapepoints :param shape_polygon: string, path to save the shapefile :param alpha: float, excentricity of the alphashape (polygon) to be created :returns: saves the polygon (*.shp) with the selected filename """ if np.isfinite(alpha): try: polygon = alphashape.alphashape(self.gdf, alpha) = polygon.to_file(shape_polygon) print('Polygon *.shp saved successfully.') except FileNotFoundError as e: print(e) else: try: polygon = alphashape.alphashape(self.gdf) except FileNotFoundError as e: print(e) else: = polygon.to_file(shape_polygon) print('Polygon *.shp saved successfully.')
[docs]class PreProCategorization: """Structured for ... (UNCLEAR) :param raster: string, path of the raster to be categorized """ def __init__(self, raster): self.raster = raster with as src: raster_np =, masked=True) self.nodatavalue = src.nodata # storing nodatavalue of raster self.meta = src.meta.copy() self.array = raster_np
[docs] def nb_classes(self, n_classes): """ Generates class bins based on the Natural Breaks method :param n_classes: integer, number of classes :returns: list of optimized bins """ # Classification based on Natural Breaks array_values = self.array[~self.array.mask].ravel() breaks = mc.NaturalBreaks(array_values, k=n_classes) print('The upper bound of the classes are:', breaks.bins) # bins being (], (], (]....(] always including the right print('Number of counts for each class, respectively:', breaks.counts) print('max: ', array_values.max(), 'min: ', array_values.min()) return breaks.bins
[docs] def categorize_raster(self, class_bins, map_out, save_ascii=True): """Classifies the raster according to the classification bins :param map_out: path of the project directory :param class_bins: list of floats :param save_ascii: bool :returns: saves the classified raster in the chosen directory """ # Classify the original image array (digitize makes nodatavalues take the class 0) raster_fi =, fill_value=-np.inf) raster_class = np.digitize(raster_fi, class_bins, right=True) # bins[i-1] < array <= bins[i] # Assigns nodatavalues back to array raster_ma = == 0, raster_class, copy=True) # Fill nodatavalues into array raster_ma_fi =, fill_value=self.nodatavalue) # raster_ma_fi =, fill_value=self.nodatavalue) if raster_ma_fi.min() == self.nodatavalue or type(raster_ma_fi) != with, 'w', **self.meta) as outf: outf.write(raster_ma_fi.astype(rio.float64), 1) else: raise TypeError("Error filling NoDataValue to raster file") if save_ascii: map_asc = str(Path(map_out[0:-4] + '.asc')) gdal.Translate(map_asc, map_out, format='AAIGrid')